Archive | November, 2020

2020 – only the good things

9 Nov

It is hard to write this. Eight months ago, no one was ever prepared for what this year had in store for us. Either manmade or natural – the bad year brought by the Covid-19 pandemic was a devastating to say the least. Everyone lost a lot this year – family members, jobs, money, friends, opportunities, travels, hobbies and even the life that we so wanted to live and enjoy every day. All that seemed to go away with the blink of an eye.

I guess that’s mainly the reason why I haven’t gotten the energy to tap away on the keyboard to blog about the things that I did get to enjoy before the pandemic. Things like traveling back to Thailand, seeing my dad and my brother after so many years, going to the Country’s capital and enjoying it for the first time amidst the stress that came with the reason I was there, and yes, the food that we get to enjoy cooking and eating through the seemingly endless days of lockdown. You guys could say, I was one of the luckier ones for this year. My job was okay, busy mostly, my family (mom especially) healthy, and I get to enjoy a lot of things even with the lockdown like a grocery or the wet market conveniently near my place. The situation has not hit me or my family that hard. Thank God.

This post though is not about the bad things this year has brought on everyone. Nor am I wanting to brag and make others feel bad. Rather, I would like to celebrate the good things, the happy moments as a gratitude post. As they say, we need to keep the attitude of gratitude to bring in more positivity and blessings in our lives. I am still thankful that even with the bad things, blessings still rain down on everyone. I am still in awe about the beauty of life, family, friends and opportunities. At the end of the day, I praise the Lord and thank Him for the wonderful things and the not-so-wonderful things that is given to us every day. Thank you Lord for 2020! Though hard, you keep us all going and you guide us through to survive this year.

With that, here is a montage of some travels this 2020.